Partners and Affiliates

We work with a range of complementary businesses and affiliates, promoting each other’s products and helping to deliver an excellent and comprehensive service.

If you are simply passing us leads, we’d be happy to provide you a commission payment for any successful sales. Get in touch to discuss

There are a number of ways you can work with us…

Get us involved…

If you are selling a service to a client already and know that they need a careers chatbot powered by generative AI, why not bring us in on the project?

We can be your “recommended partner” and provide a joined-up service, which clients will really appreciate. This saves them time, money and extra effort!

…Or white label our product

Are you a freelance careers or employability consultant? If you don’t already offer careers chatbot AI technology, you can sell our package under your own brand. It’s a great way to expand your offering without having to set-up new or complicated digital processes. Get in touch for more information.