

The creators of CiCi – a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning that offers support with creating a CV, the latest job vacancies, apprenticeships and volunteering opportunities – are offering free access to this cutting-edge technology throughout January. You can simply try out CiCi in the comfort of your own home, on a…
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Innovative Careers Chatbot Powered by AI and Machine Learning, to Be Rolled Out for Free in New Year as Many Seek New Opportunities PEOPLE looking for a career change – or those simply wanting help and advice on their next move – are to be given a helping hand in the new year, thanks to…
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The rise of AI could be a great British story. But lets do it the right way.

Stephanie Hare – Sun 13 Feb 2022 08.00 GMT Guardian An interesting article here from Dr. Stephanie Hare via the Guardian. Stephanie talks about exciting economical and industrial developments for the UK and how these could be beneficial to the labour market if developed ethically. This exciting industrial advance will bring new jobs – especially…
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The Leaps and Bounds of CiCi – Thanks to our new software developer Andy Coates

We would like to introduce a new member to our CiCi team – Andy Coates, Software Developer and Programmer. Following Andy’s introduction to the project, the progress we have made in recent months has been incredible. Thus, we would like to dedicate this post to Andy as an official welcome to the team. Andy is…
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The BOT working on careers information, advice and guidance with human experts

In the October issue of Careers Matters , the Careers Development Institiute (CDI) monthly magazine for the Career Develpment Sector, an article has been published, written by Deirdre Hughes. The article highlights progress made in the development of chatbots and in particular a bot developed specifically for careers. As the title above suggests this chatbot ‘CiCi’ is…
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More ways of understanding the labour market

by Graham Attwell In most countries we have traditionally relied on official labour market agencies for data for understanding the labour market. From an education and training standpoint, that data has not always been ideal – given the main users are economic planners and policy makers – and the data collected is often difficult to…
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by John Marsh As an ex-civil servant I have had experience of using and designing IT support systems. In the past the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) employed Advisers whose role included advising jobseekers about the best way of finding work. One system they used was a handheld device/desktop programme which calculated Better Off…
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DMH Associates video entry for the CareerTech Challenge Prize

View the video here. DMH Associates and Pontydsygu video demonstrating why CareerChat should be awarded the CareerTech Prize. This is designed to revolutionise career development policies and practices using AI for adults aged 24-65 years old with low qualifications and low income levels (earning below £35k per annum) working in ‘at risk sectors’.

Learning about Careers: Open data and Labour Market Intelligence

By Graham Attwell and Dr Deirdre Hughes (published November 2018) This article from Attwell and Hughes examines how labour market intelligence and information can be used in the current digital age to better understand the UK labour market. Labour market information (LMI) includes any quantitative or qualitative information on the labour market that can assist labour market agents in…
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