

by John Marsh As an ex-civil servant I have had experience of using and designing IT support systems. In the past the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) employed Advisers whose role included advising jobseekers about the best way of finding work. One system they used was a handheld device/desktop programme which calculated Better Off…
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DMH Associates video entry for the CareerTech Challenge Prize

View the video here. DMH Associates and Pontydsygu video demonstrating why CareerChat should be awarded the CareerTech Prize. This is designed to revolutionise career development policies and practices using AI for adults aged 24-65 years old with low qualifications and low income levels (earning below £35k per annum) working in ‘at risk sectors’.

Learning about Careers: Open data and Labour Market Intelligence

By Graham Attwell and Dr Deirdre Hughes (published November 2018) This article from Attwell and Hughes examines how labour market intelligence and information can be used in the current digital age to better understand the UK labour market. Labour market information (LMI) includes any quantitative or qualitative information on the labour market that can assist labour market agents in…
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Artificial Intelligence and Education: Protecting the Heritage of Humanity

In this article in FE News written by Dan Shefet, Lawyer at the Paris Court of Appeal (France) and Anantha Duraiappah, Director, UNESCO MGIEP, and Anantha Duraiappah, Director UNESCO MGIEP, the authors raise concerns about data protection and privacy. As students get enrolled on online platforms, the data generated about themselves of their learning is…
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How AI and chatbots can deliver personalised career planning

Caroline Tolond head of careers and employability at Arden University has written an article for Times Higher Education explaining how AI and Chatbots can be used yo deliver personalised career planning. In her article she comments “A major challenge facing university careers services has always been how to deliver a service to all students without…
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Let’s learn about artificial intelligence

Artificially intelligent devices perform tasks that would usually require a human brain Maria Temming has written an artical for Science News for Students about the subject of Artificial Intelligence and problem solving by devices or machines that typically requires huma brain power. “Artificial intelligence, or AI, is all around us. Phone navigation apps and self-driving cars use…
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From A-levels to pensions, algorithms make easy targets – but they aren’t to blame

Jonathan Everett; Guardian Tue 17 Aug 2021 09.00 BST Poor policy outcomes are not the responsibility of ‘mutant maths’, but of choices made by people in power ‘The government’s occasionally misleading use of modelling – such as when it mispresented Covid projections while making the case for a second lockdown in October last year –…
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Advocates of Artificial Intelligence as Behaviourists

Paul Austin Murphy has written a paper “Advocates of Artificial Intelligence as Behaviourists” in which he discusses behaviourism in AI and the theory that “if a computer (or robot) behaved as if it had intelligence (or had a mind), then, by definition, it must actually be intelligent (or have a mind).” Computers cab perform simple…
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English schools turn to AI to help students catch up after Covid

Platforms that assess pupils and guide teachers on how to improve lesson plans are becoming mainstream, according to Madhumita Murgia in London AUGUST 14 2021 SOURCE: Financial Times (FT) Keywords – Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Schools; Covid; Students An unusual teaching assistant is waiting for the students of St John’s primary school, in Wigan, north-west…
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